No more feeling like two people!
(Photo by Sophia Arvizu)
Hello, everyone! I just wanted to inform you that I will be moving and consolidating both of my blogs soon. I've decided that with my limited amount of time, and my varied interests, that it would be better for me to change platforms. I am exploring my options at this point in time, and I will probably be going with a TypePad blog, as I enjoy their format and themes.
I love fashion, food, writing, and my family - so it's going to be nice to have them all in one place. I will feel slightly less schizophrenic that way. :)
I will post when I have completed the transition, and inform you of the new URL! I hope that you will follow me there, and I will make a new Bloglovin' account for the blog when I move. Thanks for your support and patience with my infrequent blogging. I will be much better about posting in the future!